Our committee & Coaches


Tom Atkins

About Me:

I joined the Harwell Harriers in January 2022 and shortly afterwards (Apr '23) I took over from the wonderful Claire Shorrock as Membership Secretary and now I've stepped up to take over from the equally wonderful Nichola Poulton.

I started running properly back in 2019 and with Covid shutting everything down, I found myself with a lot, lot more time to train - I ended up aiming high (and ramping up my mileage way too quickly) and completed my first Ultra in October 2020. 

While I do run the odd road race and Parkrun (managed to sneak the win in the 18-39 Men's Club Championship in 2022), my real love is for the trails - the longer the better. Hopefully I'll be ticking off more ultras this year 🤞.

I'm always happy to chat about running and I'm usually at one of the Tuesday evening sessions, in the BP bar for socials or enjoying one of our great Summer guest routes on a Thurs so please feel free to say hello at any point 👋

My Role:

With the help of my amazing committee, I take care of most of the day-to-day problems that crop up and will be constantly looking for ways to strengthen an amazing club.

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Vice Chair

Matt Harwood

About Me:
Hi folks, I'm your friendly neighbourhood Vice Chair!

Like a lot of people I started running to keep fit and lose some weight (still waiting on that last bit) because apparently it is "good for you". 

I only ever used to run by myself and I was never interested in races or events but since joining the club I've become a parkrun regular, done a bunch short distance races, a handful of half marathons and even an ultra!

I think one of the greatest benefits of being in the club is being able to quickly improve your ability by running with others who push you to go further or faster than you realised you could.

That said I also love that it's mixed ability and there is something for everyone here!

My Role:

I basically do what the chair tells me for fear of punishment and when the chair is on holiday I will step in to mess everything up.

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Tammi Williams

About Me:

Hey, I am your Club Secretary, Queen Organiser and keen cake baker and club races/XC supporter.

I have been a runner on and off for many years, despite currently being sidelined and awaiting a hip operation, I remain deeply committed to supporting our club and its members. As your number one injured runner, I hope to soon overcome this hurdle and return to all club runs injury-free.

My Role:

I'm here to ensure our club runs smoothly, be a point of contact for the cub and help with the day-to-day running of the club.

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Brendan McCabe

About Me:

Hi folks, I'm your friendly neighbourhood treasurer!

I've just started as Treasurer! 

More about me coming soon!

My Role:

As Treasurer my main duties are to manage the bookkeeping for the club as well as the Stripe card payments. I also have the the final say on what we can afford to spend club money on. 

If you ever need any support with payment problems please feel free to talk to me.

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Membership Secretary

Holly Cripps

About Me:

Hi I'm Holly!

I started running about 8 years ago after signing up to a charity race and have been a member of the club since 2019.

I enjoy running most distances both socially and solo (whilst boosted by Taylor Swift).

My Role:

My main responsibility as Membership Secretary is helping to support bringing new members into the club and processing renewals for all of our existing members.

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Social Secretary

Holly Brazier

About Me:

Hello everyone,

I am the current social secretary, busy organising the most important elements of the Club - the parties!

I have been running for many years, but am getting back into my rhythm after serious knee surgery a few years ago. Whilst I did complete the London Marathon in 2022, I am much keener on shorter distances (and ideally flat/road).

You’ll most likely to find me at Didcot ParkRun, posting Facebook events or sharing memes on the Harwell Harriers Instagram

My Role:

As Social Secretary I manage the Instagram account, post on the Harwell Harriers intro Facebook account as well as arrange social get togethers like the Christmas party and other social events through the year.

I’m always open to ideas & suggestions so feel free to contact me & keeping tagging the Harwell Harriers in your posts & stories!

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Female Welfare Officer

Hilary Savage

About Me:

I took up running in my late 40s as I needed to lose weight. 

I am not the fastest runner but have enjoyed travelling abroad to do various races. I then started to do triathalons which I really enjoyed. 

I have three dogs in the family and love running over the countryside with them. Sadly, Covid took its toll on me so I am the one at club nights bringing up the rear but the Harwell Harriers has been an absolutely fantastic club for me to be able to meet such lovely encouraging people whilst trying to keep up the running.

I love the social side of the club and everyone is so friendly. I decided to join the committee last year as a Welfare Officer to put something back into the club

My Role:

My role is to look after the welfare of club members. Whether that's supporting them after an accident/injury that took place during a club session, or being available for a chat should anyone want or need to talk.

Plase don't hesitate to reach out to either myself or the male welfare officer in confidence.

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Male Welfare Officer

Dan Azzopardi

About Me:

Hi, I'm Dan!

I have been running to keep fit and take part in 10k and Half Marathons for many (!!) years, but only joined a running club in 2019, when i bumped into my neighbour Sabine at Co-Op whilst buying doughnuts and she tempted me to come and give Harwell Harriers a try.

I'm quite sociable and like chatting on long/easy runs, getting hints and tips from our coaches and run leaders, taking part in the club championships ... and let's face it, who would willingly do interval or hill training solo? Since joining Harwell Harriers, not only have made a new circle of friends and discovered many beautiful running routes, but my 10k and Half Marathon pace have improved lots as well!

My Role:

My role is to look after the welfare of club members. Whether that's supporting them after an accident/injury that took place during a club session, or being available for a chat should anyone want or need to talk.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to either myself or the female welfare officer in confidence.

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Coaching Team -  Coaches


Kate Brook

About Me:

I'm Kate, one of the coaches. I started running in my early 20s - thinking 10km seemed like a reasonable distance that a reasonably fit individual ought to be able to run....and became hooked. I spent my 20s and early 30s in London working hard, partying hard and running hard! We moved out of London in 2013 and I joined HH in 2017 after my third child was born. I had always run alone prior to this so joining a club was totally new for me - but the club was so welcoming and friendly I didn't need to feel nervous.

I can honestly say my best running has come about in my 40s. Meeting other runners in the club has inspired me so much and I have made some wonderful lifelong friendships. The club is hugely supportive and has given me many opportunities that have enriched my running (and my life!).

The focus of my running now is trail and ultra marathons. I am a HUGE fan of just running slowly for a really long time, preferably somewhere beautiful and hilly and, ideally, with my dogs in tow. So hit me up anytime you fancy hitting the trails with some company - if I can come, I will!

Love, Kate x 


Lisa Davies

About Me:

I started running in 2013, and since then, I have been a member of a few local running clubs where I completed my LiRF and CiRF qualifications before finally settling at Harwell Harriers.

I am so lucky to be part of such a friendly, supportive, and knowledgeable coaching team, and to have such fantastic club members.

My favourite part of coaching is seeing others enjoying their running and/or achieving new goals.

That's definitely the reward.


Sharon Rasmussen

About Me:

I joined the club in 2018 and became a member of the coaching team the following year, completing England Athletics Run Leader and Coaching qualifications.

Since joining the team I’ve found helping runners, of all abilities, towards their own goals every bit as rewarding as chasing my own.

I’m a huge fan of the club and it’s members. It’s a warm and welcoming environment where runners support each other and celebrate success - large and small.

We work hard but there are always laughs along the way.

The Run Leaders Team

Run Leaders

About Me:

We have a fabulous team of run leaders who are here to make sure you are properly warmed up, cooled down and most importantly remain safe and have fun on all of our session.

Without our run leaders none of this would be possible so a big thanks goes to:

  • Alan Wood
  • Ashley Shepherd
  • Carol Martin
  • Carolyn Machin
  • Charlotte Cookson
  • Claire Shorrock
  • Daniel Blount
  • Lisa Martin
  • Luke Peare
  • Matt Harwood
  • Mike Kidd
  • Nichola Poulton
  • Sabiene North
  • Steve Hethrington
  • Tom Atkins